Finding Midline

Jun 21st, 2018

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Jun 21st, 2018 - Jun 24th, 2018


Rudolf Steiner High School

2230 Pontiac Trail

Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Event Information

Midline serves as a valuable baseline for early infant learning and developmental movement. While interacting with gravity, an infant begins shifting away from the midline and later returns to it, returning “home." Over time, movement along the midline helps differentiate the spinal column and helps the eyes develop the ability to focus and converge. Infants learn to roll onto their side or back due to slight alterations in position or changes in weight placement. A sense of midline is essential for understanding balance, for learning to be on the hands and knees, for crawling, and for maintaining an upright balanced posture on two feet.

Eventually, after its’ strength and coordination improve, a child crosses the midline. Crossing midline literally means meeting the “other side of yourself.” The act of crossing midline fleshes out the self-image and makes higher levels of coordination available. It adds a sense of dimensionality to a person’s self-image. It allows for the development of contralateral movement. It enables a child to direct powerful movements from its’ central core, to perform a greater variety of actions than before.

This advanced training will expand your ability to recognize your personal midline, as well as your ability to cross it. You will leave with a greater sense of how upright balance is developed and maintained. FI practice will teach you how changes in spinal mobility affects a client’s capacity to focus their eyes accurately. Refine your understanding of midline and enhance your ability to teach others to access their internal strength, power and agility.

Without learning to know ourselves as intimately as we possibly can, we limit our choices.

Life is not very sweet without freedom of choice.
Moshe Feldenkrais (source unknown)

Ellen Soloway trained under Dr. Feldenkrais at Amherst and has a private  practice in New Orleans. Ellen is an Assistant Trainer and the editor of the Alexander Yanai Volumes. She offers Functional Integration® lessons and mentoring in Atlanta, New Orleans, and San Antonio. Ellen’s teaching style allows practitioners to increase their theoretical understanding as well as improve their technical skills. A person learns how neurological developmental processes provide a foundation for growth and change while observing Ellen practice the Feldenkrais Method®.


Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor, High School, 2230 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor, 48105.

Contact for Details:  Dale Jensen at 734-646-9368 or

FI® lessons with Ellen may be scheduled in advance for Wednesday June 20, 2018.

This event is hosted by Michigan Feldenkrais

Contact Us with any questions