Creating People

Use this method to create a new Person for a collect page

Method Info
Headers X-PayItSquare-AppKey, X-PayItSquare-Token
{CollectPageId} The id of the collect page to get payers for.
Property Data Type Validation Info
Id Guid This is the id of the Person. This will be needed for updating the Person.
PaidDateTime Nullable`1 If the Person has paid, this is the date they paid. If this is null, the Person has not paid yet.
LastViewedDate Nullable`1
IsOnlinePayment Boolean If true, the Person paid online through PayPal.
IsSelfPayment Boolean If true, the Person marked themselves as paid on the collect page.
PaymentStatus String
IsPendingPayNow Boolean
IsPrivate Boolean If true, the user has marked their payment as private.
CanDelete Boolean Determines if this Person can be deleted. Online payments cannot be deleted.
AmountDueOffline Single
IsRegistered Boolean
FirstName String The Person's first name. This is used for display on the collect page and in messages sent for reminders. Required
LastName String The Person's last name. This is used for display on the collect page and in messages sent for reminders. Required
EmailAddress String This is the email address that reminder emails will be sent to. Required
IsAmountNeededOverriden Boolean If the amount needed from this Person is different than the default amount for the collect page, this will be true.
OverriddenAmountNeeded Single If IsAmountNeededOverriden is true, this will contain the amount needed.
AmountCollected Single If a Person has paid, this will contain the amount the Person paid.
IsManualPayment Boolean When true, this indicates that they Person marked themselves as paid.
Property Data Type Other Info
Id Guid The id of the created object. It will be used as part of the url for subsequent updates. Only available if the creation was successful.
IsSuccess Boolean Indicates if the call was successful or not.
Messages String Array Will contain a list of error messages if IsSuccess is false
Sample Input
  "Id": "3cb68d51-4319-49c4-b76d-382b60153252",
  "PaidDateTime": null,
  "LastViewedDate": null,
  "IsOnlinePayment": false,
  "IsSelfPayment": false,
  "PaymentStatus": null,
  "IsPendingPayNow": false,
  "IsPrivate": false,
  "CanDelete": false,
  "AmountDueOffline": 0.0,
  "IsRegistered": false,
  "FirstName": "John",
  "LastName": "Doe",
  "EmailAddress": "",
  "IsAmountNeededOverriden": false,
  "OverriddenAmountNeeded": 0.0,
  "AmountCollected": 0.0,
  "IsManualPayment": false
Sample Success Response
  "Id": "2cb1fb15-738d-4426-9d59-f292c51a0bb2",
  "IsSuccess": true,
  "Messages": []
Sample Error Response
  "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "IsSuccess": false,
  "Messages": [
    "Error Message 1",
    "Error Message 2"