We're Breaking Barriers & Empowering Women And Girls In Ghana!

We're Breaking Barriers & Empowering Women And Girls In Ghana!

$3,155 of $40,000 raised

  Organized by FLCC-BringBackHope

Fort Lauderdale Community Center's (FLCC) NGO, BringBackHope (BBH), passionately supporting the cause of empowering women and girls in Ghana, we shed light on the significant challenges they face in the workforce. Despite constituting nearly half of the population, women in Ghana struggle to attain leadership positions, with only 13% currently holding such roles.

Moreover, they experience a glaring gender pay gap, earning an average of 23% less than their male counterparts. This disparity becomes even more pronounced for women and girls residing in rural areas and those with lower levels of education.

To address these pressing issues, our dedicated NGO, BringBackHope (BBH), in 2022 launched the Empowering Women And Girls (EWAG) program in Ghana.

Over the past ten months, we have initiated a pilot project aimed at assisting women who aspire to become Mobile Money Agents and establishing a Provision Shop.

To support their endeavors, BBH invested a total of $10,000: $3,000 to acquire a shop and renovate it, outfit it with the necessary equipment, and IPO software.  We allocated $2,000 for training, payroll, and licensing ($400 per participant), and a further $3,000 to acquire Wallets for popular mobile networks like MTN, AirTigo, and Vodafone. We also dedicated $2,000 towards stocking the shop with essential supplies. 

Thanks to our program, we have successfully provided training and employment opportunities to six remarkable young women, ranging in age from 19 to 37. Their achievements, Amazing!

Kwatama has saved enough funding for her tuition at Ghana University; Phoebe and Nana has found employment leveraging their newfound skills; Julia has recently gotten married; and Fastina and Claudia continue to work diligently in the shop.

Our collaboration with Kotobabi N02 School in Community 18 in Tema-West has allowed us to provide school supplies and updates to classrooms helping to benefit over 40 girls from ages 8 to 12.







                   Welcome to HopeMART
          Community 18 Provision Shop

This store serves as a convenient way for people in the community to get the necessary food and essential household items they need on a daily basis.  Community 18 is not only part of the vibrant city of Tema but also home to numerous hardworking low-income individuals and families who face the challenge of living in a food desert. These neighborhoods lack access to water, affordable food, toothbrushes, soap, and washing power, making it difficult for residents to maintain a healthy living experience.

The consequences of this scarcity are felt deeply, particularly by children, the elderly, and those already struggling to make ends meet. Which is why we'll sell 3 diapers out of a pack of 15, provide a cup, along with a bag of sugar, oil, rice, or gari, and individual packs of washing detergent.

But together, we can make a difference!

The HopeMart Provision Shop is more than just a place to buy groceries; it's a beacon of hope! Our store shelves are stocked with a wide range of fresh foods and products of the highest quality, sourced from local farmers and suppliers. 

By shopping at HopeMart, they not only help themselves but the local community, and they are also supporting the livelihoods of local businesses and farmers.

Every donation goes directly towards sustaining the operations of HopeMart and our mission to empower women and girls with on-the-job training, school supplies, school upgrades, and uniforms while doing our part to alleviate food insecurity in Community 18. 

Your contribution enables us to maintain jobs for women and girls, provide supplies and sanitary items at affordable prices for our customers, expand our product range, and reach out to even more individuals in need.


    We're Breaking Barriers!

Help us in the fight for gender equality for women and girls! Donate today and be a catalyst for positive change. Together, we can BringBackHope to Empower Women and Girls in Community 18, Tema-West, Ghana!

Unfortunately, our project was delayed and reduced after BlackStarLine Cooperative Credit Union, our bank in Ghana, closed in 2022, taking our project funds with them.  Right now, everything we make in HopeMart is reinvested. However, it is not sustainable at this time to maintain salaries, overhead, and inventory.

Therefore, we humbly appeal for your support and generosity, asking for a donation of $40,000. 

With your donation, we can replenish our mobile bank, restock HopeMart, provide pay and training for up to 60 young women in Tema-West for the next 12 months, and grant the ladies next wish, which is to expand HopeMart with a coffee shop, open a hair salon, and also expand our program at Kotobabi Schools with classes for 100 girls in Jr High, teaching them a skill in beading, which is very popular here, selling, and making money to help their families.

  • COFFEE SHOP                $5,000.00
  • HOPEMART                    $10,000.00
  • HAIR SALON                   $10,000.00
  • MOBILE MONEY             $10,000.00
  •  KOTOBABI SCHOOL       $5,000.00
Your contribution will play a vital role in ensuring the continuity and success of this transformative program, enabling us to uplift and empower an additional 160 women and girls in Ghana, plus providing a revenue stream that makes it self-sustaining.  

                          HOPE GARY, CEO/CO-FOUNDER 


Donation Stats

5 people donated a total of $3,155.00

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