Currency List

This method returns the list of valid currencies that PayIt2 supports.

Method Info
Verb GET
Headers X-PayItSquare-AppKey
Property Data Type Other Info
CurrencyCode String The code for this currency. This is the value to use when updating or creating a collect page.
Symbol String
Description String
CultureCode String
PaymentProviderFeeVariable Single
PaymentProviderFeeFixed Single
Sample Get Output
    "CurrencyCode": "USD",
    "Symbol": "$",
    "Description": "US Dollars",
    "CultureCode": "en-US",
    "PaymentProviderFeeVariable": 0.004,
    "PaymentProviderFeeFixed": 0.99
    "CurrencyCode": "MXN",
    "Symbol": "$",
    "Description": "Mexican Pesos",
    "CultureCode": "es-MX",
    "PaymentProviderFeeVariable": 0.004,
    "PaymentProviderFeeFixed": 0.99