Getting Collect Pages

This method will return a list of all collect pages for the logged in organizer.

Method Info
Verb GET
Headers X-PayItSquare-AppKey, X-PayItSquare-Token
Property Data Type Other Info
ArchivedDateTime DateTime Array If this is null, the collect page is not archived.
CreatedDateTime DateTime The date the collect page was created.
LastUpdatedDateTime DateTime The date the collect page was last updated
AutoNotificationStartDate DateTime Array The date that automatic reminders started sending.
AutoNotificationLastDateTime DateTime Array The date that the last auto notification reminder was sent.
CanDelete Boolean Determines if the collect page can be deleted. Collect pages that have online payments are not allowed to be deleted.
PaidPayerCount Int32 The number of payers who have paid so far.
UnpaidPayerCount Int32 The number of payers who have not paid so far.
AmountCollected Single The total amount collected so far.
GoalAmountReachedPercentage Single If a goal amount is set, this will contain the percentage of that goal collected so far.
CultureCode String The culture code used for this collect page.
Id Int32 This is the Id of the collect page. It will be needed when dealing with a single collect page.
PublicUrl String The link that payers can use to access the collect page to make payments.
EmbedUrl String The link that an organizer can use to embed the collect page in another web page.
EditUrl String The link an organizer can use to edit the collect page online.
Title String The title for the collect page.
Details String This field could contain HTML tags
AllowSelfRegistration Boolean If true, users will be able to sign up directly on the collect page.
PassFeesToMembers Boolean If set to true, payers will have any credit card fees added to their amount due. When false, the organizer will receive the amount due minus any credit card fees.
OrganizerPaysAllFees Boolean If set to true, all fees will be subtracted from the amount the organizer gets. If false, payers will pay the fees.
AutoNotificationStatus Int32 Will be 0, 1, or 2. 0 indicates that auto reminders will become active after the first manual alert email is sent. 1 indicates that auto reminders are active. 2 indicates that auto reminders are disabled.
SendSelfPayAlerts Boolean If true, organizers will receive emails when a Person marks themselves as paid.
Mode String This will contain GroupPayment, Registration, or Fundraiser. GroupPayment is used for collecting money from a group of people. Registration is used for things like event registrations. Fundraiser is a way to raise money.
GoalAmt Single For fundraisers, this is the amount of money wanted. When set, payers will be able to track progress towards that goal from the collect page.
TrackGoalAmt Boolean When set to true, the collect page will track to a goal, and display progress on the public collect page.
ShowSocialLinks Boolean When set to true, social links will appear on the public view of the collect page.
ShowUnpaidTotals Boolean When set to true, payers will see a list of the projected totals for payers who have yet to pay.
ShowPaidTotals Boolean When set to true, payers will see a list of the totals for each Person who has paid.
ShowUnpaid Boolean When set to true, payers will see a list of the payers who have yet to pay.
ShowUnpaidCount Boolean When set to true, payers will be able to see the number of payers that have yet to pay.
ShowPaid Boolean When set to true, payers will see a list of who has paid.
ShowPaidCount Boolean When set to true, payers will see the number of payers who have paid.
IsPrivate Boolean When set to true, payers will be required to know the collect page's AccessCode to access it.
AccessCode String When IsPrivate is true, this code will be used to access the collect page.
DisablePayLater Boolean When true, payers who register for the collect page will not be allowed to pay later.
CurrencyCode String The currency used for this collect page.
LocalRegistrationDeadline String This is the deadline for registering for the collect page.
HasRegistrationDeadline Boolean If true, the collect page will enforce a deadline for registering
AllowPayments Boolean When false, no payments will be allowed for the collect page.
AllowSelfMarkPaidOffline Boolean If true, payers will be able to mark themselves as paid.
AllowPaymentsForUnpaidAfterDeadline Boolean When true, payers will be allowed to make payments after the deadline. People will still not be able to register.
ShowOrganizationName Boolean When true, the collect page will display the organizer's organization name instead of first and last name.
TimeZoneId String This indicates the time zone for this collect page. Valid Time Zone Ids are available at
HeaderBgColor String
TextColor String
OrganizerBgColor String
OrganizerTextColor String
EmailAddress String If set, this will override the organizer's email address and send payments to this address.
HasThankYouUrl Boolean Indicates that a Person will be redirected to the ThankYouUrl after completing a payment.
ThankYouUrl String The URL that a Person will be redirected to afteer completing a payment.
AllowPayersToContactOrganizer Boolean When true, payers will be given an option to use a contact form on the collect page to send a message to the organizer.
LetPayersChooseToPayFees Boolean When true, payers will be given the option to cover the fees for the payment.
IsLive Boolean Indicates that the Collect Page is not viewable and not accepting payments.
Sample Get Output
    "ArchivedDateTime": null,
    "CreatedDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "LastUpdatedDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "AutoNotificationStartDate": null,
    "AutoNotificationLastDateTime": null,
    "CanDelete": false,
    "PaidPayerCount": 0,
    "UnpaidPayerCount": 0,
    "AmountCollected": 0.0,
    "GoalAmountReachedPercentage": 0.0,
    "CultureCode": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "PublicUrl": null,
    "EmbedUrl": null,
    "EditUrl": null,
    "Title": "My Collect Page Title",
    "Details": "My Collect Page Details",
    "AllowSelfRegistration": true,
    "PassFeesToMembers": false,
    "OrganizerPaysAllFees": false,
    "AutoNotificationStatus": 2,
    "SendSelfPayAlerts": true,
    "Mode": "GroupPayment",
    "GoalAmt": 0.0,
    "TrackGoalAmt": false,
    "ShowSocialLinks": true,
    "ShowUnpaidTotals": false,
    "ShowPaidTotals": false,
    "ShowUnpaid": true,
    "ShowUnpaidCount": false,
    "ShowPaid": false,
    "ShowPaidCount": false,
    "IsPrivate": false,
    "AccessCode": null,
    "DisablePayLater": true,
    "CurrencyCode": "USD",
    "LocalRegistrationDeadline": null,
    "HasRegistrationDeadline": false,
    "AllowPayments": false,
    "AllowSelfMarkPaidOffline": false,
    "AllowPaymentsForUnpaidAfterDeadline": false,
    "ShowOrganizationName": false,
    "TimeZoneId": null,
    "HeaderBgColor": null,
    "TextColor": null,
    "OrganizerBgColor": null,
    "OrganizerTextColor": null,
    "EmailAddress": null,
    "HasThankYouUrl": false,
    "ThankYouUrl": null,
    "AllowPayersToContactOrganizer": false,
    "LetPayersChooseToPayFees": false,
    "IsLive": false
    "ArchivedDateTime": null,
    "CreatedDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "LastUpdatedDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "AutoNotificationStartDate": null,
    "AutoNotificationLastDateTime": null,
    "CanDelete": false,
    "PaidPayerCount": 0,
    "UnpaidPayerCount": 0,
    "AmountCollected": 0.0,
    "GoalAmountReachedPercentage": 0.0,
    "CultureCode": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "PublicUrl": null,
    "EmbedUrl": null,
    "EditUrl": null,
    "Title": "My Collect Page Title",
    "Details": "My Collect Page Details",
    "AllowSelfRegistration": true,
    "PassFeesToMembers": false,
    "OrganizerPaysAllFees": false,
    "AutoNotificationStatus": 2,
    "SendSelfPayAlerts": true,
    "Mode": "GroupPayment",
    "GoalAmt": 0.0,
    "TrackGoalAmt": false,
    "ShowSocialLinks": true,
    "ShowUnpaidTotals": false,
    "ShowPaidTotals": false,
    "ShowUnpaid": true,
    "ShowUnpaidCount": false,
    "ShowPaid": false,
    "ShowPaidCount": false,
    "IsPrivate": false,
    "AccessCode": null,
    "DisablePayLater": true,
    "CurrencyCode": "USD",
    "LocalRegistrationDeadline": null,
    "HasRegistrationDeadline": false,
    "AllowPayments": false,
    "AllowSelfMarkPaidOffline": false,
    "AllowPaymentsForUnpaidAfterDeadline": false,
    "ShowOrganizationName": false,
    "TimeZoneId": null,
    "HeaderBgColor": null,
    "TextColor": null,
    "OrganizerBgColor": null,
    "OrganizerTextColor": null,
    "EmailAddress": null,
    "HasThankYouUrl": false,
    "ThankYouUrl": null,
    "AllowPayersToContactOrganizer": false,
    "LetPayersChooseToPayFees": false,
    "IsLive": false