Getting Question Options

Gets a list of question options for a question on a collect page.

Method Info
Verb GET
Headers X-PayItSquare-AppKey, X-PayItSquare-Token
{CollectPageId} The id of the collect page.
{QuestionId} The id of the question.
Property Data Type Other Info
Id Guid The Id of the question option.
OptionText String The text for the option that the user will see.
SortOrder Int32 The order that the option will be displayed.
Sample Get Output
    "Id": "37d66df9-a5b8-40f2-9646-c0ea990e5df8",
    "OptionText": "My Option",
    "SortOrder": 2
    "Id": "ce30ffc6-6cc6-46c6-84d2-18d945aa5331",
    "OptionText": "My Option",
    "SortOrder": 2