Creating a Question

Creates a question for a collect page.

Method Info
Headers X-PayItSquare-AppKey, X-PayItSquare-Token
{CollectPageId} The id of the collect page.
Property Data Type Validation Info
Id Guid The id of the question. This will be needed for calls to update or delete the individual question.
QuestionType Int32 This is the type of control to use for this question. PayIt2 supports the following question types: Text Box (1), Text Area (2), Drop Down (3), Checkbox (4), Number (5). and Short Text Box (6)
QuestionText String The text to use for the question
IsRequired Boolean When true, payers must enter a value to continue
SortOrder Int32 This determines the order that the question will display on the collect page.
Property Data Type Other Info
Id Guid The id of the created object. It will be used as part of the url for subsequent updates. Only available if the creation was successful.
IsSuccess Boolean Indicates if the call was successful or not.
Messages String Array Will contain a list of error messages if IsSuccess is false
Sample Input
  "QuestionType": 1,
  "QuestionText": "My Question",
  "IsRequired": true,
  "SortOrder": 3
Sample Success Response
  "Id": "1de0c70d-1a1c-4c27-8371-ec2d3fe0c2d2",
  "IsSuccess": true,
  "Messages": []
Sample Error Response
  "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "IsSuccess": false,
  "Messages": [
    "Error Message 1",
    "Error Message 2"