Getting a Pay Option

Returns a pay option for a collect page.

Method Info
Verb GET
Headers X-PayItSquare-AppKey, X-PayItSquare-Token
{CollectPageId} The id of the collect page.
{Id} The id of the pay option.
Property Data Type Validation Info
Title String The title to show payers for the pay option. Required
Description String The description of this pay option.
AmountNeeded Single The amount a Person will pay for this option. Required
DefaultQuantityPer Int32 The default number a Person will purchase for this pay option.
PeopleRequired Nullable`1 Number of people required for this item.
HasQuantityAvailable Boolean
QuantityAvailable Int32 The number available for this pay option.
LatePayAmount Single If paid after the late paid date, the amount that will be used.
AtTheDoorAmount Single The amount a Person will pay at the door.
QuantityRemaining Int32 The number still remaining for this pay option.
IsHiddenCoupon Boolean When true, payers will need to enter a coupon code to retrieve this pay option.
CouponCode String When is hidden coupon is true, this will be the code payers will need to enter to retrieve this pay option.
AllowAmountOverride Boolean When true, payers will be able to change the amount they pay.
ShowQuantitySelector Boolean When true, payers will have a quantity selector, and they will be able to change it.
HasLatePayOption Boolean When true, payers will pay a different amount after the late pay date.
HasAtTheDoorAmount Boolean When true, payers will be shown the at the door amount.
IsActive Boolean When true, payers will be able to use this pay option.
HasExpireDate Boolean When true, the pay option will expire when the expire date passes.
ExpireDateLocal String When has expire date is true, this will be the date when this pay option expires.
SortOrder Int32 Will determine the order pay options will appear.
CountsAsPaidOther Boolean
ItemId String
LatePayStartDateLocal String The date that late payments start.
TimeZoneId String Valid Time Zone Ids are available at
Property Data Type Other Info
Id Guid The Id for the pay option.
QuantityPaidFor Int32
Title String The title to show payers for the pay option.
Description String The description of this pay option.
AmountNeeded Single The amount a Person will pay for this option.
DefaultQuantityPer Int32 The default number a Person will purchase for this pay option.
PeopleRequired Int32 Array Number of people required for this item.
HasQuantityAvailable Boolean
QuantityAvailable Int32 The number available for this pay option.
LatePayAmount Single If paid after the late paid date, the amount that will be used.
AtTheDoorAmount Single The amount a Person will pay at the door.
QuantityRemaining Int32 The number still remaining for this pay option.
IsHiddenCoupon Boolean When true, payers will need to enter a coupon code to retrieve this pay option.
CouponCode String When is hidden coupon is true, this will be the code payers will need to enter to retrieve this pay option.
AllowAmountOverride Boolean When true, payers will be able to change the amount they pay.
ShowQuantitySelector Boolean When true, payers will have a quantity selector, and they will be able to change it.
HasLatePayOption Boolean When true, payers will pay a different amount after the late pay date.
HasAtTheDoorAmount Boolean When true, payers will be shown the at the door amount.
IsActive Boolean When true, payers will be able to use this pay option.
HasExpireDate Boolean When true, the pay option will expire when the expire date passes.
ExpireDateLocal String When has expire date is true, this will be the date when this pay option expires.
SortOrder Int32 Will determine the order pay options will appear.
CountsAsPaidOther Boolean
ItemId String
LatePayStartDateLocal String The date that late payments start.
TimeZoneId String Valid Time Zone Ids are available at
Sample Get Output
  "Id": "2fe573fb-78ca-4a82-aaf9-71f5de6ec8b0",
  "QuantityPaidFor": 0,
  "Title": "My Title",
  "Description": "My pay option description.",
  "AmountNeeded": 25.0,
  "DefaultQuantityPer": 1,
  "PeopleRequired": 1,
  "HasQuantityAvailable": false,
  "QuantityAvailable": 50,
  "LatePayAmount": 35.0,
  "AtTheDoorAmount": 40.0,
  "QuantityRemaining": 22,
  "IsHiddenCoupon": false,
  "CouponCode": "",
  "AllowAmountOverride": false,
  "ShowQuantitySelector": true,
  "HasLatePayOption": true,
  "HasAtTheDoorAmount": true,
  "IsActive": true,
  "HasExpireDate": false,
  "ExpireDateLocal": null,
  "SortOrder": 3,
  "CountsAsPaidOther": false,
  "ItemId": null,
  "LatePayStartDateLocal": null,
  "TimeZoneId": "UTC"
Sample Input
  "Title": "My Title",
  "Description": "My pay option description.",
  "AmountNeeded": 25.0,
  "DefaultQuantityPer": 1,
  "PeopleRequired": 1,
  "HasQuantityAvailable": false,
  "QuantityAvailable": 50,
  "LatePayAmount": 35.0,
  "AtTheDoorAmount": 40.0,
  "QuantityRemaining": 22,
  "IsHiddenCoupon": false,
  "CouponCode": "",
  "AllowAmountOverride": false,
  "ShowQuantitySelector": true,
  "HasLatePayOption": true,
  "HasAtTheDoorAmount": true,
  "IsActive": true,
  "HasExpireDate": false,
  "ExpireDateLocal": null,
  "SortOrder": 3,
  "CountsAsPaidOther": false,
  "ItemId": null,
  "LatePayStartDateLocal": null,
  "TimeZoneId": "UTC"
Sample Success Response
  "IsSuccess": true,
  "Messages": []
Sample Error Response
  "IsSuccess": false,
  "Messages": [
    "Error Message 1",
    "Error Message 2"